I have been a mandala artist for over 18 years. I am also a clinician, lecturer, and teacher. In addition to talk therapy and somatic practices, I combine mandala art with my work as a clinician to help my patients return to wholeness. My area of clinical work focuses on childhood developmental trauma. I am currently in private practice working with children and adults in Los Angeles. I completed my pre and post doc training at the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles. I have also been trained to work with children while supervised by a psychologist from Reiss-Davis. I received my Psy.D. from Pacifica Graduate Institute.
Pathways to Wholeness
(Mixed medium - acrylic, gold leafing, 30" x 30")
Carl Jung worked from the central theme that the psyche is a self-regulating system, like homestasis in the body. Our psyche is constantly striving for balance and equilibrium between the opposing qualities of the conscious and unconscious. For Jung, the mandala is a "magic circle" that is a symbolic representation of wholeness. My artwork here is my attempt at demonstrating that there are myriad of paths that we each can take to achieve that psychic wholeness.