I love to work with images as a therapist whether they appear in dreams, artwork, sand tray, or active imagination. The playfulness heralded by the appearance of the imaginal is a sign to me that the client is getting better. I am especially excited when animal images appear in sessions due to the instinctual and spiritual energies constellated by these archetypes and how they can serve as a gateway to embodiment. I am fortunate to live in an art colony and to work with creative people who are enthusiastic about using art as part of their healing.
Remembering My Magic
(Watercolor, 30” x 22”)
Ravens are my constant companions in Santa Fe, New Mexico. They remind me of the innate capacity of human beings to make magic. One way I keep the magic of conscious presence alive in my life is to do a death practice every morning around the idea that the present day may be my last. This practice is symbolized by the calavera skull. For me, cats are a reminder of embodiment. I find that if I think of my body as a tiger or a jaguar, it becomes easier for me to honor my limits. The orchids in this painting symbolize intergenerational trauma as well as the mission-orientation I have inherited from my ancestors. The peacock is emblematic of the legacy I am trying to transform as I learn to relate to myself and others in a more soulful way. The aspen represents the tree imagery which helps me remember to put my roots in the Earth and send my leaves up to source.