The DEFT Institute encourages therapist creativity and clinical intuition when applying skills. “Metaphor Day” celebrates the ways we use our imagination to relate more meaningfully to our clients.
The Dynamic Emotion Focused Therapy Institute in LA includes a certification training program for psychotherapists. The DEFT Institute was founded in 2012 by Susan Warren Warshow. DEFT is an affect and somatic-focused, experiential, relational psychodynamic therapy that incorporates specific skills and principles to overcome treatment barriers. Counteracting shame on both sides of the therapeutic dyad and the Therapeutic Transfer of Compassion for Self are central to the approach.
Immersion in Imagery: Metaphor Day at the DEFT Training
Vivid metaphorical language impacts the unconscious mind,
making insights more likely to remain in memory.
Through artistic expression, therapists create images
of meaningful metaphors from their practice.