Nayeli Garci-Crespo

The Art of Becoming Who We Are:
Multiplicity, Neurocomplexity, and the Joy of Being Late to Bloom

This talk will be a meditation on art as a practice of being and becoming who we are, and undressing from all we are not, through the lens of my circuitous creative journey as a multi-passionate, irremediably sensitive, neurodivergent being. I’ll take you on a Brownian motion stroll through the landscape of my art and a variety of interwoven themes: art with a lower case “a,” the art of the everyday; art as observation; art as breath; the natural multiplicity of the psyche; desire as the motor of life; epigenetic echoes in the process of becoming; neurodivergence as a superpower; the advantages and pitfalls of diagnosis; fragmentation and regeneration as creative adaptations; artists as the metabolizers of societal detritus; the dangers of being sane; the importance of integrating play in adulthood; and the pleasures and advantages of being a late bloomer. I’ll end by sharing some of the work I do in the artist/therapist collective Feral Flow Lab, a project intended to unleash us from the impairments of being overly rational and controlled into the fields of joy and healthy mischief.

About The Speaker:

Nayeli Garci-Crespo is a mind-body coach, a Havening Techniques practitioner, and a certified Realization Process meditation and embodiment teacher specializing in creative processes and high sensitivity. Her interests include flow and liminal states, the subconscious, laughter, lucid dreaming, interpersonal neurobiology, somatic parts work, and art and play as processes for self discovery and healing. In addition to being a coach, she is also a writer, multidisciplinary artist, and creative consultant with a Ph.D. in cultural studies, film, and media from Duke University’s Graduate Program in Literature, an M.A. in Latin American literature from Columbia University, and a B.A. in creative writing and philosophy from the University of Southern California, where she took courses in neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy of mind, and volunteered as an art therapist at a Los Angeles County Community Counseling Services halfway house. After a long detour working in the film & TV industry, among other odd jobs in creative content creation and support, she spiraled back to her interest in the interface between art and wellness, founding the artist/therapist/practitioner collective Feral Flow Lab in 2019 with the intention of co-creating collaborative spaces for healing and transformation through expressive arts and the body.



