Student at California State University Dominguez Hills.
Transactional Analysis USATAA Certified Practitioner.
Thinking about joy #6
(Fabric on Wood Frame)
My art is about intimacy, attraction, dominance, universal human rights, femininity, androgyny and the duality of perceived opposite viewpoints. Pleasure, love, and spirituality are not anti-stoic. My work explores quixotic heroism, paradoxical guilt and shame.
From the archetype Jungian viewpoint, I identify as a woman with a career, a loving partner first, and a working commercial/restoration artist who fills in the empty spaces of design and art with reverence and care.
Maria Marcus’s Taste for Pain and Emma Jung’s Anima and Animus are my inspiration to create sculpture from borrowed antiquity. I am both masculine and feminine, I am androgynous.
Following in the footsteps of Carl Jung, I remember my dreams by setting my limen the night before. Using the limen, the threshold between consciousness and the unconscious, I hand write 3 pleasure experiences and 3 productive actions for the next 24 hours. When I wake up before opening my eyes, I write down my dream imagery, describing the images only, no interpretation.