Dr. Deborah Conway de Prieto is depth psychologist with two MA’s: a double major, Renaissance/ Composition Theory with a third in Mythology. As educator she teaches Psychology in Literature and Mythologies. She is a Professor of Literature, a Certified Spiritual Counselor and she has one-year Jungian certifications from the “C. G. Jung Institute, LA” and the “Ireland Centre for Jungian Studies.” She accomplished rare manuscript training of Joseph Campbell and James Hillman texts at Opus Archives. As secretary of a cultural foundation in Mexico [Secretaria, Fundación Cultural Ometeotle (MX)] she researches funding for Mesoamerican documentaries seeking co-production concerning sacred ceremonials and texts. Her media page: “Dream Book” features her artwork, the curation of artists and sacred texts. Her forthcoming text Answer to Dream, Jung, Hillman and Sor Juana is currently in publication with Pleiades Books.

As fine artist she creates mythopoetic images: watercolors, oils, acrylics, constructing altars from discarded wood, “dream books” out of paper, found objects/collage. Her research concerns are sacred text, mythologies, poetry/ art, archetypal/emblematic Renaissance theory, literary theory, feminine theory, dream studies and Spanish works in translation.

 Her poetry and artwork are in anthologies:  Across the Abyss, Between Literary Review, The Global Question; she often is moderator at CSULA, and was primary presenter at The Conference on Mesoamerica Continuity and Change, Mesoamerican History from Pre-Classical to the Colonial Era: “Art, Performance, Shamanic Activity and Ritual in Mesoamerica.” She presented: “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Novohispana Feminist, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz in the 21st Century.” She presented at The Ojai Foundation and Charter Joseph Campbell Roundtable: “The Dream as Dream Text: Sor Juana, Creature of Fiction or Creature of Reality.”

Deborah gives private classes/ spiritual counseling seminars in painting and collage: “Mythology of the Altar, …. Of the Sacred,” “Dream” “Mythopoetic Images/Literature, Art, Film,” “Gods, Monsters, Heroes,” “Mythology in Literature,” and “Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.”

“El corazón de Gertrude’s”
(Watercolor on paper 10”x12”) 

This art piece is painted in watercolor, and is dedicated to the purest joy of remembrance: Remembering Gertrude’s kind heart is to fill the sacred receptacle bursting with flowers. Gertrude lost her memory due to Alzheimer’s but those of us who love her remember her flowered heart filled with the love, kindness, and joy of living and giving.

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