White Art
White Headshot


I am the oldest of four sons of a physician father and an artist mother. I followed in both their footsteps, becoming a health care provider and an artist I am proud to say. My father taught me the value of applying science to help reduce human suffering and my mother taught me to see the beauty in the world. My three younger brothers became artists in their own right and the four of us became close in sharing a love of art. It is to them that I dedicate my entry in the 2023 Mirrors of the Mind exhibition.

Yosemite in Winter
(Photograph, 16 x 20 inches) 

Yosemite has attracted worldwide attention because of the sheer beauty and diversity of nature within such a very small area. I'm not sure why but I have always enjoyed Yosemite in Winter. Perhaps its because of the silence when nature appears asleep. Yet the waterfall is so powerful and continuous, conveying an energy I find so captivating. I invite the viewer of this image to take your time, look closely and discover the "Where's Waldo?" hidden images there to be revealed.
