“Dreaming Uluru” is inspired by the lifeforce, culture and spiritual consciousness of those who have recognized the Uluru monolith for 60,000 years, representing the oldest known continuous culture on earth. Uluru and surrounding areas are marked as birthplace for their people from ancestral beings at the beginning of time. Ancestral spirits are alive in the land, and work with guardians who care for and respect the Dreamtime and song line lineages, protecting the earth.

December 21, 2020, 9:02 am Summer Solstice, is a much-anticipated time for humanity, as we enter a new phase of consciousness. Uluru will be at the center of this birthing day, paying homage, celebrating, and carrying the prayers of life itself forward into changing times. The sketch is a reminder of how our dreams call forth reality, as we each participate in a global awakening.

Dreaming Uluru
(Framed Graphite Pencil and Pastel Pencil on Paper, 14” x 17”) 

The sketch is of a man looking off into the distance, with various elements and ancient ones, intuitively derived, hidden behind him. Uluru and the whale represent the lifeforce and connection to ancestral origins in the stars. The ancestors who birthed those on the land call the Pleiades their home. The whales are told to hold the collective consciousness of humanity as they circle the planet in the waters, carrying messages of our lives.

We are all one. I believe we first create reality from our dreams in the subtle world. We are facing tumultuous times. I wanted to express on paper a symbol of hope and continuity of life, despite what I see and hear around me, from the media, political leaders, and communities. By sharing my sketch with others, they may be reminded of the links across time and space as we co-create our stories on the planet. I hope the sketch awakens a deeper truth of what is possible in humanity and for our planet as we cross a bridge, prophesied by many, that brings us into a higher consciousness of health, wellbeing, empowerment, and sustenance for all.




